Karren (Inventory)/Spitzkarren

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The Spitzkarren field of the Karren section should be used to list stations which exhibit spitzkarren.

Spitzkarren are tower-like formations left by water dripping on dissolvable or erodable substrate like bedrock, breakdown, gypsum, sediment, guano, or even corrosion residue (speleosol). It could be considered the opposite of rillenkarren which form as rills or hollows. Spitzkarren exhibits as sharply spiked, angular and pointed.

See also


  • Klimchouk, Alexander B.; Ford, Derek C.; Palmer, Arthur N.; Dreybrodt, Wolfgang (2000) Speleogensis; Evolution of Karst Aquifers National Speleological Society, Huntsville, AL p 423 ISBN: 1-879961-09-1
  • unknown (1997) Geology of Carlsbad Caverns Class - 1997 Memorial Day Expedition pp 2-3

Karren (Inventory)/Spitzkarren is a part of the cave inventory project.