Help:Uploading Pictures for Dummies

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Revision as of 15:12, 6 August 2010 by TTucker (Talk | contribs)
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Okay. This is take 2 for this article. Does that tell you anything?! It seems that before you can add pictures to an article the page has to be already be saved. So save the text before uploading a file. (Please correct me if this is not true!)

1. Save page (at the bottom of the page). 2. Click on upload file (on the left). 3. Click on "browse" and select a picture (click on it and then click on "open".)File:P1010228.JPG 4. Find the "upload" button at the bottom of the page and click on it. 5. Highlight (also known as "scrape") the file name at the top of the picture and right click to copy it. 6. Go back to your article and paste the file name where you want the picture to appear in your text. YOU WILL HAVE TO CHANGE THE FILE NAME IN THIS WAY: add two brackets at the front and two brackets at the end Also, it's good to type the word and symbols |thumb| after JPG (then end with the closed brackets) 7. Click on Page Preview at the bottom of the screen to view the results. 8. REMEMBER to click on Save page to keep all your hard work from disappearing!!
