Water (Inventory)

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The Water section of the CCNP Cave Inventory Form is used to record stations where visible signs of water or paleo-water is observed.


Surface Moisture

The Surface Moisture field of the Water section is used to record any station which has visible signs of moisture that is not dripping, flowing or pooled. Visible signs of moisture may include: wet flowstone; mud; moist bedrock; damp formations and others.

See also

Water (Inventory) is a part of the cave inventory project.


Dripping stalactite

The Dripping field of the Water section of the CCNP Cave Inventory Form should be used to list stations where dripping water is observed.

When observing drips by sound alone, make certain that the sound is coming from this station and not some nearby station. If the drips have accumulated enough to form a pool, the station should be recorded there as well.

See also

Water, Dripping

Water (Inventory) is a part of the cave inventory project.


The Flowing field of the Water section of the CCNP Cave Inventory Form should be used to list stations where flowing water is observed. Flowing water must exhibit movement and not be merely dripping or pooled. If the flow has formed a pool, or is coming from a pool, the station should be recorded there as well.

See also

Water (Inventory) is a part of the cave inventory project.


Pools of water on the CCNP Cave Inventory Form are categorized according to their estimated volume: less than one cubic foot and those of greater than one cubic foot.

< 1 cubic foot

The < 1 cubic foot field should be used to record stations which possess a pool of water with an estimated volume of less than one cubic foot.

> 1 cubic foot

The > 1 cubic foot field should be used to record stations which possess a pool of water with an estimated volume of greater than one cubic foot.


The paleo-waterline field should be used to record stations where an indication of a past waterline is evident. Shelfstone is one indication of such a waterline.

See also

Water (Inventory) is a part of the cave inventory project.