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Fossils (Inventory)/Clam

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The Clam field of the Fossils section should be used to record any observation of a fossil clam. For purposes of the CCNP Cave Inventory Form, a clam refers to any bivalve mollusk (not a brachiopod).

Clams and brachiopods are superficially similar. They both have a hinged shell consisting of two valves. In brachiopods, the two valves are on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the body and are symmetrical, while in clams, they are on the left and right sides and are asymmetrical. Other than their superficial similarities, they are not really related.

Clams and brachiopods are sometimes difficult to distinguish. The primary distinguishing characteristic is symmetry in the shell. Clams have an asymmetrical shell while brachiopods have a symmetrical shell. Clams are also known as pelecypods.

See also


  • Romero, Aldemaro (2009) Cave Biology; Life in Darkness Cambridge University Press, New York pp 89-90 ISBN-Hardback: 978-0-521-82846-8, ISBN-Paperback: 978-0-521-53553-3
  • Coleman, Mary Carol and Cameron Coleman (2010) Fossils of Guadalupe Mountains National Park Carlsbad Caverns Guadalupe Mountains Association pp 27-28,

Fossils (Inventory)/Clam is a part of the cave inventory project.